Kenneth Brown Came for a Visit!!

 Last week, we were very excited to welcome the unparalleled Kenneth Brown to our shop!
Here he is with me and Jennifer Uddo who is part of our Interior Design department.

I think Kenneth is best known for his wonderful show on HGTV, and for his fabulous style which is a great marriage of his South Louisiana roots with and the simplicity and modern outlook of the Southern Caliornia chic.
I love his use of streamlined, light-filled  interiors which utilize great colors and direct compositions.
 This red pagoda chandelier is a favorite of mine, and very inspirational!
 We were all very excited to hear that Kenneth will be opening a design office and retail studio in Baton Rouge, and we are looking forward to working with him!
Welcome back home, Kenneth!! And best of luck in your new venture!!

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The Cammie Chandelier is Re-introduced

We recently had a request for the Cammie, a chandelier I had taken out of production. I was actually glad to bring it back because I think it's really beautiful. I like it because it has a quiet glitziness and a delicate yet important presence.

It was inspired by a Swedish design and the original one had a much darker finish. We decided to update it in a lighter gold and our master beader,  Brooke, reworked the application of the square crystals which are set into the three horizontal bands.

Since we are having a truly hot, muggy summer, this chandelier made us feel light and cool!

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 One of my favorite New Orleans artists, Rebecca Rebouche has found her way onto the cover of the wonderful Garden and Gun Magazine.
 I first became aware of Rebecca's "tree paintings" and I instantly fell in love with them because they are not only beautiful, they are very dear, and narrative and heartfelt.
 They have a dual innocence and wisdom which is very magnetic.
 They have a quality of being inside of a dream. And they are just purely charming.

 So charming that Anthropologie asked Rebecca to work with them. She has designed some very pretty plates as well as textiles and other things for them  and they are a huge hit!

Rebecca also does some sewn pieces where she  takes vintage linens and embellishes them with words that come from the same place as the ideas that her paintings come from.
 Naturally, they exude their own charm.

Rebecca has a wonderful studio where you can visit with her and see what she is up to.

 I have given you a very little taste of the goings on of the fabulous Rebecca Rebouche!

 Please take the time to visit her blog so you can keep up with all the exciting things she is doing. So check it out, and visit her website. I know you will like what you see.

I love this little piece of wisdom from Rebecca called "How to Love." So I will leave you with that thought.

Congratulations Rebecca on your huge fame and success!

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We Are Profiled in EnLIGHTenment Magazine!

When my friend Linda Longo, editor of EnLIGHTENment Magazine told me she was coming to New Orleans for a convention, I was thrilled! I'd been following Linda for quite awhile and was always very impressed with her work reporting on the latest developments in the lighting industry.

I was very excited when Linda arrived at my workshop! After reading her many articles on the cutting edge technology and new advancements in lighting design, I sometimes feel like a throw-back to simpler times when everything was made by hand, the way our lighting still is. So I was not sure what Linda might think about what we do.
Linda was so gracious and so interested in how we work. She loved that we still draw all our production drawings by hand. And that all of our lighting is wired and hand finished in our studio by the greatest group of artists and technical people ever. That we take care and time to make each piece special.

And uniquely crafted for the person who orders it. With peace, love, care and skill.

It was fun to walk down the street with Linda from our workshop to our showroom, which is one block down, and to show her how we create decorative vignettes to complement our lighting. We have interior designers who assist our clients with the home furnishings we carry and we offer complete interior design services as well. We also make a special point to show the work of many gifted New Orleans artists, like Jamie Meeks, Lesley Wells,  Michelle Tullis and Craig McMillan.

I think Linda was also intrigued by the "Beer delier's" we have in our shop, which are designed by the famous pillow designer, Becky Vizard as an outreach program for the young people of her hometown of St. Joseph, LA., who she pays by the bottle cap  to string the garlands which make up the chandelier. They are fun, festive and very popular as well as being for a good cause!

It was great to finally meet Linda in person and to spend a wonderful morning talking about lighting with her.

Thank you so much, Linda for visiting and for writing such a fabulous article about us!
We truly enjoyed getting to know you!

Check out EnLIGHTenment's website here.
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More to Come

Well it has been almost two years since I last posted! Where has the time gone? So much has happened!Stay tuned because lots has been going on, and I'm getting ready to tell all about it!

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We're Giving Away a Chandelier on Cote de Texas !!!!!!!

My friend, the fabulous blogger extraordinaire, Joni Webb, who writes Cote de Texas and I have gotten together and cooked up the most fabulous giveaway!


You should rush over to her blog and read all about it. We have decided to let the winner of the giveaway choose the chandelier they want to win, and it's a choice between the Ingrid Chandelier, pictured below


And the Elizabeth Chandelier.


Both of these beauties were designed by me and they are each very popular fixtures. All of our pieces are created right here in New Orleans. I am unbelievably lucky to be able to work with such a talented group of artists who make everything we create as gorgeous as it can possibly be.

jennifer working on ingrid

Here is the amazing Jennifer working on an Ingrid Chandelier. Her work brings the magic to each piece she touches.

christine working on lizabeth

Here is Christine putting the crystals on an Elizabeth. She is dedicated to making lighting that is a beautiful as she is.


Although we are very serious about our work, we like to have fun and to help people light up their lives.

So we decided to do a giveaway!

Most of our work is custom and each piece is made to order for each client.

We thought it would be fun to do a giveaway where the winner could choose between two different fixtures, sort of a custom giveaway!

So what will it be? The Ingrid?

ingrid resized

She's more modern in feel with a twist of antiquing thrown in for good measure.

loop dining

She's comfortable in a variety of settings.

jeffery bedroom

And she can even be made into a lantern.

ingrid lantern 2

Elizabeth is more traditional. And dressed up.

elizabeth resized

She is named for the person who inspired her. She was created to bring snazziness to an entry with low ceilings that still wanted to look dressed up.


She is petite and cute just like the Elizabeth who inspired her into being.


I was so excited when Joni said she would be the mistress of ceremonies for this fun giveaway! Thank you Joni for your wonderful post and for helping me with this fun and fabulous giveaway.

Hurry on over to Cote de Texas and read all about it. Leave a comment and you might become the winner of one of these two wonderful chandeliers!

Good Luck!!

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Mint Julep for Valorie

As I'm sure you know if you are reading a  blog, the blog world has been so concerned for Valorie  the Visual Vamp, and her husband Alberto, who had a massive heart attack while travelling to Canada.


With some help from their friends, Valorie and Alberto have made it back to New Orleans and Alberto is on the mend.


Many in the blogosphere have set up auctions of decorative things to help raise money for  all the costs involved in getting Alberto well and getting him home.



Renae  Moore  pictured above with me  and our wonderful friend Marie, has graciously agreed to auction off one of my latest designs, the Mint Julep Sconce as part of this effort.

Bidding will end tonight at midnight, so go on over to Renae's wonderful blog and read all about it.

Welcome home, Valorie and Alberto. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

I am the owner of Julie Neill Designs in New Orleans where we create beautiful custom lighting. This blog is my love letter to the unique people, places and happenings which make New Orleans the amazing place it is.

Please visit my website to learn more about my lighting and our fabulous shop on Magazine Street.
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